Efficient digitisation of documents received by post essential to firm’s flexible approach
Innovative law firm BPE Law is exploring an exciting new model for law firms, allowing its fee-earning solicitors complete flexibility in terms of where and when they work.
However, achieving this means the firm needs an efficient system for digitising all of the post it receives and making it accessible for remote workers.
A rapid, easy to use and well-networked scanner
The firm, which specialises in conveyancing – the process of transferring home ownership from one person to another – typically receives approximately 100 important documents through the post each week.
These include letters from other solicitors and estate agents, mortgage certificates and a host of other documents, some of them dozens of pages long. This means there are anything from around 500 to 1,500 pages that need to be shared with the fee-earners each week.
BPE Law has a single permanent location in an office in Manchester, where all post for the fee earners is received. All relevant post is then scanned and uploaded to a cloud-based case management platform.
ADS-2600We scanner was the perfect solution for the task
Initially, the member of staff responsible for the post room operation was using a flat-bed scanner, but it quickly became apparent that a more efficient solution was needed.
By upgrading to the ADS-2600We scanner from Brother, the firm immediately halved the time required for scanning, from around two hours per day to just an hour.
The solution was further streamlined following some very helpful advice from Brother’s support team, namely to use the scan-to-email capability of the scanner. This provided a significantly quicker way of getting high quality scans of post onto BPE’s case management system, at which point documents could be easily accessed by fee earners, wherever they happen to be. This reduced the daily scan time to an average of just 45 minutes – a 62.5% improvement on the original 120 minutes.
Click here to find our more about the ADS-2600We scanner.